Our Work

Small Firm Diaries
This global research initiative provides insight into the financial lives of small firms, revealing unique characteristics of this little-studied group, and opportunities to increase their stability and support their growth. The project—still ongoing in 2023-2024—is active in 7 countries. For this project, Timothy Ogden serves as Global Project Director, Laura Freschi as Engagement Director, and Rachael Eplee as Research Associate.

Clarity First
(McGraw-Hill, 2018) by Karen Martin of the Karen Martin Group
Sona Partners provided editorial development and hands-on editing for both the Shingo Award-winning The Outstanding Organization (McGraw Hill – 2012) and the more recent Clarity First (McGraw Hill - 2018). Both books, from organizational improvement and Lean transformation specialist Karen Martin, provide leaders and improvement professionals with resources they need to improve organizational performance.

The Financial Diaries
(Princeton, 2017) by Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider
Sona Partners co-founder Timothy Ogden was Managing Director of the $6.5 million US Financial Diaries Project, a research collaboration between NYU’s Financial Access Initiative and the Center for Financial Services Innovation that tracked the personal finances of 235 low- and moderate-income households for a year. A part of his managerial role, Tim oversaw the analysis of collected data, and developed, wrote and promoted multiple household profiles and issue briefs, culminating in the publication and promotion of The Financial Diaries (Princeton 2017).

The Self-Made Billionaire Effect: How Extreme Producers Create Massive Value
(Penguin, 2015) by John Sviokla and Mitch Cohen of Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC)
Sona Partners served as thinking partners and lead writers for PricewaterhouseCoopers partners during their multi-year study on the success enablers of self-made billionaires. We helped shape the research methods and analyzed findings from primary and secondary sources, and we crafted the findings into a full-length manuscript. In addition to the published book, we ghost-wrote articles for Strategy + Businessand Timeand developed an executive talent assessment for PwC Advisory: www.pwc.com/us/en/self-made-billionaire-effect.html

Aspen Institute Financial Security Program, Expanding Prosperity Impact Collaborative (EPIC)
Sona developed a communications platform for EPIC in its inaugural year focused on income volatility. The outputs, geared toward policy makers and employers, included a SquareSpace site; designed reports and survey findings; videos; and an animation.